Keywords: image of the future, future goals, coping resources, coping strategies, time perspective, optimism, mental health.


Problem statement. It is shown that an important aspect of the phenomenon of the image of the future is its role in overcoming stress and forming an individual temporal perspective. The deployment of full-scale combat operations on the territory of Ukraine led to the fact that the individual time horizon of personal planning became short-term. People are in a state of acute stress. A positive attitude towards the future contributes to the effectiveness of an individual's activity and creates cognitive, adaptive and contextual resources. This contributes to the improvement of a person's mental health. The question of the resourcefulness of a positive representation of the image of the future has been little studied in psychological science. The purpose of the article is to present the results of an empirical study of the resourcefulness of the image of the future in strategies for overcoming stress and forming an individual time perspective. Results of the research. The features of the internal structure of the image of the future are determined through the following components: Future clarity, Future reliability, Future positivity and Future activity. It is shown that the components of the image of the future have a direct effect on the coping strategies: Expanding the view of the problem, Search for resources, Focusing on the positive and the reverse effect on the coping strategy Rejection of action. It was found that the components of the image of the future have a direct effect on the "Future" component in the time perspective and an inverse effect on the "Future negative" component in the time perspective. Conclusions and prospects for further research. It is concluded that a positive and active attitude to the future enables respondents to act in relation to future stressors by reassessing the situation, shifting the focus of attention from negative aspects to positive ones, and moving away from its dangerous influence. It is noted that in order for the orientation to the future to be expressive and to realize the purposefulness of the personality, the clarity of future contours and active efforts to rebuild it are necessary. Prospects for further research will be the study and identification of the construct "Types of coping in the temporal perspective", which can be defined as the interaction of the personality with stress in a temporal context.


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