Keywords: de-occupation, state policy, occupation, prospects, law and order, reintegration, reformation


The article examines the political consequences of the reintegration of Crimea and the prospects for its development after returning to the control of Ukraine. The impact of the return of Crimea on the political situation in Ukraine is analyzed, taking into account possible changes in the political landscape, relations with international partners and the reaction of national political forces. Prospects for the development of Crimea itself after its return to Ukrainian sovereignty are studied, taking into account economic, socio-cultural and other aspects. The article claims that the reintegration of Crimea can have a significant impact on political stability in Ukraine and relations with international partners. The author analyzes the possible reactions of various political forces in Ukraine to this process, noting the risks and benefits for each of them. In addition, it is noted that the restoration of sovereignty over Crimea can contribute to the development of the economy and infrastructure of the region, as well as change the dynamics of the socio-cultural life of the population. Ways of implementing the policy regarding the reintegration of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol on the part of the state and power structures are analyzed. Potential challenges that may arise in the process of reintegration of Crimea, such as social tensions, internal conflicts and economic difficulties, are considered. The author analyzes possible strategies for managing these difficulties and developing effective mechanisms to ensure the stability and development of the region in the conditions of the transition period. The influence of public institutions and groups, international coordination mechanisms and their role in the reintegration of the Republic of Crimea, in particular the Crimean platform, is evaluated. The conclusion states that the reintegration of Crimea is a complex process that requires careful analysis of all its aspects and consideration of various factors. Advance planning and cooperation with the international community can ensure a successful and peaceful transition of Crimea under Ukrainian sovereignty, contributing to the stability and development of both the region itself and the entire country.


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