Keywords: speechwriting, speechwriter, political consulting, political speechwriting, political technologies


The article shows the role of political speechwriting in the field of public policy and its influence on the organization of pre-election activities of candidates for state and political positions. It has been proven that speechwriting is an integral structural element of political consulting. Using the example of a political analysis of the works of Western scientific experts, the question is raised that the work of political speechwriters has a much wider functional load than the preparation of speeches for candidates. It is shown that over the years the work of speechwriters is becoming more and more in demand and has a permanent nature. Their professional activity may have liminal forms, but often does not end after the election contests. The study presents different approaches to the interpretation of the concepts of "speechwriter" and "speechwriting" and their component parts. In addition, the definitions of "speechwriting" and "political speechwriting" were distinguished. The article provides examples of the effectiveness and ineffectiveness of political technologies used by speechwriters when preparing candidates for speeches. Within the framework of this study, based on the conducted corporate analysis of the debate between presidential candidates V. Zelensky and P. Poroshenko, justified variations of political technological techniques applied by the speechwriting team and political technologists to effectively influence public consciousness. The criteria for characterizing the work of speechwriters in the context of evaluating the preparation and presentation of pre-election speeches have been determined. The prevailing latency of such a phenomenon as political speechwriting has eliminated the need for global scientific research in this direction. The latter made it possible to study and formulate hypotheses regarding the functional load of professional speechwriters.


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