Keywords: local self-government, decentralization, united territorial community, Ukraine, EU


The article examines the cooperation between Ukraine and the European Union in the field of reforming the system of local self-government, which is one of the priority areas of bilateral cooperation. The main directions of cooperation between Ukraine and the EU during the implementation of the mentioned reform were considered. The following are identified as key: support for legislative and institutional changes, development of local self-government institutions, development of local communities, financial support, exchange of experience. The main instruments of influence that the EU used to control the success of the reform are highlighted, including political, economic, investment, levers of influence through economic and regional development programs, influence on public opinion. The key internal and external challenges and threats to the system of local self-government in Ukraine are revealed, the key ones are the war with the russian federation, a high level of corruption, an insufficient level of qualified human resources, and insufficient financial support. After the analysis, recommendations were made for improving the reform, the support of which is key at the current stage by European partners. Among the development recommendations listed in the article, an important place is the role of the EU in the future audit of the implemented reform. The article analyzes the necessity of conducting such an assessment, namely determining the state of local self-government after the reform. For this purpose, it is proposed to develop the appropriate legislative framework, train experts, and determine the main criteria and evaluation indicators. A short list of possible indicators and assessment tools is provided. These measures are aimed at increasing the efficiency and transparency of local self-government in Ukraine, which is an important step on the way to democratic development and European integration of Ukraine.


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